How am I doing right now? I'm fine, I guess? I've took a break for the past 2 years with almost everything around me because of personal reasons (I'm pretty sure you've heard about some of them on the YNFG fandom, right? Yeah. We know what we're talking about if you're active enough in. But this is not the main reason of this post I promise.).
Sooooo, if you ask about Einsamkeit, well yeah. I've deleted my old blogs because of that, BUT!!! HEY HEY HEY!!! IT'S BACK!!! And for real this time.
Let me tell when I've talked about Einsamkeit for the first time, I was a minor, I thought I knew how showing a RPG Maker game works, but... in fact... NO. I've learned that first of all, you should know the solid concept of your project, something that haven't done! But this break of 2 years made me improve about it! The story is even something like unlike back in 2015! And I feel like the writing is actually, much better than it should be.
Oh and guess what? Demo will happen this winter. And I'm dead-ass serious now. I've got beta testers, they all played it, very positive feedbacks! I've never felt so happy, I barely remember the last time I was this much happy for my game...
Here is the new links, where you can track the progress (and ACTUAL progress. visuals, screencaps, mechanics and much more!)
- TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ts_einsamkeit
- TUMBLR: https://ts-einsamkeit.tumblr.com/
- DISCORD: https://discordapp.com/invite/6YP6dX9
- YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWtBkuAozOAxbI6puwQsPSw (not always Einsamkeit, but still post about it if it's video-worthing)
- ITCH.IO: https://valentin-maxie.itch.io/einsamkeit
- TOYHOU.SE: https://toyhou.se/valentinmaxie (started to build an equivalent of Einsamkeit wikia, only Harold has a page for now, but a lot of the others are in drafts sooo stay tuned!)
Also yeah, Einsamkeit doesn't fall in the YNFG critera anymore, but if you're still curious for it...!
Thank you for taking your time to read! I hope we'll see again anywhere else! I'd be so happy! ❤❤❤