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Tinfoil and Gray Man Contrast[]
The Gray Man has a mechanical nature, it is very limited and robotic, their movements are kind of stuttered, kind of unfree, like they can't escape their essence, they're silly and almost have no intelligence, they break easily by anything etc. They represent the embodiment of solely sticking to the known; repulsing and imprisoning from anything beyond the means of already charted territory. Tinfoil, on the other hand, despite not participating much in the story, he always gives a feeling of universality, because he appears in several different places through the game, this in itself is already mysterious about him, but the fact that he is always available in different places shows a freedom and expansion that the Gray Man doesn't have. Tinfoil is almost as if it represented the acceptance of new ideas and the mapping of unexplored places of the psyche, the desire to investigate world issues and to be less ignorant.
Categories of Storing Info to Jam[]
My first reason/argument is that I, a Jam, believe I am more than qualified to enter this World Order. I can jam effectively and store info for long periods of time, find Jam, and is usually a reliable source of Nuclear Winters. I also have past experience with jamming with Nuclear Orders as well, which can also be useful for this sort of Jammness. Alongside being in other private Jam Orders, I have contact with The Human Weapon. Ummm....You're Literally Glowing In The Dark... Ummm....You're Literally Glowing In The Dark... Ummm....You're Literally Glowing In The Dark... Ummm....You're Literally Glowing In The Dark...