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Complete effects guide for Moon Cradle (Version 0.01).
Mods Guide[]
Interact with the pink planet. Go right until you reach a cluster of large gems then go down. Cross the river using the rock path and enter the forest. Go: Down, Down, Right, Down and Down and you'll arrive at a campsite. Enter the bottom-left tent facing to the right and interact with the object in it.
Ship Caller[]
Interact with the gray planet. Go right past the city entrance and enter the large building when you reach it. Go up the stairs until you reach the roof. Interact with the flower on the ground in the middle.
Interact with the gray planet. Go right past the city entrance and enter the large building when you reach it. Enter room 104 and interact with the flippers on the floor.
Member Recruitment[]
Interact with the gray planet. Go right and enter the city. Go north into the city center and take the north-west path. Go left and enter the cafe. Talk to the NPC sitting at the counter.