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Complete effects guide for ISO (DDJ6 Version).
Effects Guide[]
Ride a panther.
Appearance: Cygnus rides on a black panther.
Passive Effect: Cygnus' moving speed increases.
Action: None.
Practical Uses: Used to travel through the dream world faster.
Interact with the purple curtains to the top-right of the Nexus. Walk down the stairs directly to your left then take the stairs going up across from you. Take the short stairs on the top-left of the next platform. You should now be on a platform with a rectangular gap at the bottom. Go up the stairs at the top-right corner of this platform then do the same on the next platform. You should now be on a narrow platform with multiple stairs. Take the stairs going upwards and left next to you. Interact with the animated painting of the panther.
Float on water with an innertube.
Appearance: Cygnus wears a speedo and carries an innertube under his arm.
Passive Effect: When moving through water tiles, your movement speed will increase.
Action: None.
Practical Uses: Allows you to move through water faster.
Interact with the purple curtains to the top-right of the Nexus. Go down the stairs at the bottom-left of the platform you're standing on. Go down the stairs to the bottom-right of the next platform then walk between the two light purple figures to your right. Walk right along the pathway and you'll arrive at a new area with stone fountains and birds flying by.
In this new area, go right and walk up the stairs to the next level of the area. Go north past the statue and when you reach the wall, go right and enter one of two doorways placed next to each other. You'll arrive in an indoor pool area. Enter the pool and go left to the next room. Make your way to the tube by going left, down and right to the stairs leading out of the pool. Walk out of the pool and interact with the tube on the ground.
Grow claws.
Appearance: Cygnus grows red claws from his hands and feet.
Passive Effect: NPCs will run away from you.
Action: (Z) When interacting with NPCs, Cygnus will strike them with his claws.
Practical Uses: Used to kill NPCs.
Interact with the red curtains at the bottom of the Nexus. You'll arrive in a world with big mushrooms. Go north-west from the door and interact with the tall NPC with red claws to get the effect. This NPC can be found standing between two long and narrow pools of lava, west of a lone mushroom house.
Sprout a rose.
Appearance: Cygnus has a blue rose for a head.
Passive Effect: None.
Action: (Shift) The rose withers and Cygnus is teleported to the Nexus.
Practical Uses: Allows you to reach the Nexus quickly.
Interact with the white curtains at the top of the Nexus. Go left from the door and enter the round blue pool. You'll be sent to a beach area; go south then take the path between the cliffs to your right. You'll now be in a forest area. Go right and walk through the gap between the top row of trees. Go left in the next area and interact with the sparkling blue rose on the ground.
Become an android.
Appearance: Cygnus becomes an android.
Passive Effect: When invisible, NPCs will ignore you even if you interact with them.
Action: (Shift) Cygnus becomes transparent.
Practical Uses: Makes you invisible to NPCs.
Interact with the white curtains at the very top of the Nexus. There will be a footprint path leading away from the entrance to the dream world. Follow this path as it leads you south-east. At the end of the path is the remains of an android body laying in front of a window. Interact with the body.
A light glows from within.
Appearance: A light emits from Cygnus' torso.
Passive Effect: Dark areas area illuminated.
Action: (Shift) Toggles the light off or on.
Practical Uses: Makes it easier to navigate/see in dark areas.
Interact with the blue curtains to the bottom-left of the Nexus. You'll arrive at a dark underwater world. Go north-west from the door and interact with the black-haired NPC rocking back and forth on the spot to get the effect.
Play synths.
Appearance: Cygnus holds a periwinkle keytar in his arms.
Passive Effect: None.
Action: (Shift) Cygnus plays some notes on the keytar.
Practical Uses: None.
Enter the green curtains at the top-left of the Nexus. You'll arrive in a small room with four doorways to go through. Go up through the doorway to the right of the Nexus door. Go left twice and you should arrive in a room with a blue ladder. Interacting with this ladder will take you to a room with two ajar doors. Enter the door to your right. Go down the stairs then enter the door closest to you. Enter the door to your left in the next room, then do the same in the room after. You should now be in a room with a yellow-green door. Enter this door and interact with the floating NPC in the room.
Dyed Hair[]
Sport dyed hair.
Appearance: Cygnus' hair becomes purple with green bangs.
Passive Effect: None.
Action: (Shift) Cygnus plays with his hair.
Practical Uses: None.
Interact with the green curtains to the top-left of the Nexus; you'll arrive in a room with four doorways to go through. Go down two rooms and right one room. You should arrive in a room with red spiral graffiti on the wall and a purple wig on the ground. Interact with the wig to get the effect.
Selecting the Shower option from the menu when going to save will play a short cutscene.
Cygnus Painting[]
In the room where the Synth effect is obtained, there is a black painting on the wall which will show a brief CG of Cygnus when interacted with.