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Tracks from Hikensha (version 0.6+).


Track Location Listen
Mainberzion3.ogg The Nexus (previously Title theme v3)
City.ogg Purpura city
Apartments.ogg Apartments (Purpura city)
Jailzpawn.ogg Cage Spawn
Jailzpawn2.ogg Cage Spawn Sub-Area
Sewer.ogg Sewer Paths
Carvedspacearea.ogg Carved Space Area
Bentopipez.ogg Vento Pipes
Aquatic.ogg Crystal Waters
Marine.ogg Maritime Horizon
Abyss.ogg Abyssal Depths

Unused Tracks[]

The following tracks have been scrapped from the game for diverse reasons, however there's still a chance they could be repurposed or remade eventually.

Scrapped Cave area: Heavily inspired on SonicCD's Past/Present/Future concept and Quartz Quadrant.

Qqpr.ogg Cave (Normal mix)
Qqgf.ogg Cave (Good mix)
Qqbf.ogg Cave (Bad mix)