Yume Nikki Fangames Wiki
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Effects Guide[]

Sun Hat[]

Wear a sun hat.


Appearance: Fio wears a sun hat.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found at the Beach.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the south-west door to the Beach. Keep going right until you reach an area with a wooden fence and grass. Interact with the hat on the fence.



Appearance: Fio's head is replaced with a balloon and floats off the ground.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Park.

Practical Uses: Used in an event.

Enter the north-west door to the Park. Go left until you're 1-2 tiles away from the left edge of the screen then go up. Go right and you'll be in an area with balloons. Interact with the balloon on the ground.



Appearance: Fio is made of chocolate.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Sweets World.

Practical Uses: Used in an event.

Enter the north-east door to Sweets World. Go between the two chocolate bunnies. Go down a little bit and then right. Interact with the chocolate egg beside the cake slice.


Chocolate Dinner[]

(Chocolate effect is needed.)

Enter the north-east door to Sweets World. Go between the two chocolate bunnies. Go south-east and step between a red and a green lollipop. Step into the middle of the circle on the plate. If you have the Chocolate effect equipped a cutscene will play and you'll wake up afterwards.

Balloon Drift[]

(Balloon effect is needed.)

Enter the north-west door to the Park. Enter the north-west door to the Park. Go left until you're 1-2 tiles away from the left edge of the screen then go up. Go right twice to a upwards-facing cliff. Equip the Balloon effect and walk off the cliff face. A cutscene will play and you'll wake up afterwards.
