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Complete effects guide for Genseki Wakusei (Version 0.00).
Pershina's Effects[]
Obsidian (黒曜石)[]
Appearance: Pershina holds an obsidian knife.
Passive Effect: None.
Action: (Z) If interacting with a NPC, Pershina will attack them with the knife.
Location: Found in the Gemstone World.
Practical Uses: Allows Pershina to kill certain NPCs.
Interact with the top edge of the north arrow. Go south-east and interact with the obsidian stone.
Dry Ice (ドライアイス)[]
Appearance: Pershina turns into dry ice and wears a scarf.
Passive Effect: Pershina's movement speed increases.
Action: None.
Location: Found in the Bird's Snowscape.
Practical Uses: Allows Pershina to travel through the dream world faster.
Interact with the middle of the left edge of the screen. Go south-east and interact with the bird pole. Go north and interact with the white-haired NPC.
Crystal (水晶)[]
Appearance: Pershina has a purple crystal growing out of her face.
Passive Effect: None.
Action: None.
Location: Found in the Ice Crystal Waters.
Practical Uses: None.
Interact with the bottom edge of the south arrow. Go north-west and interact with the large crystal.
Rabbit Tail (ラビットテール)[]
Appearance: Nebi gains a pair of wings.
Passive Effect: Certain NPCs will move towards Pershina.
Action: (Shift) Pershina will transform into a rabbit tail creature.
Location: Found in Rabbit Tail World.
Practical Uses: None.
Interact with the bottom edge of the south arrow. Go right a bit and up from the entrance. Enter the fur hut. Go left slightly and down. Interact with the rabbit tail creature that has pink wings.
Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow. |
Neon Boy[]
Interact with the right arrow. Go north, then find and interact with the black-haired boy to trigger a full-screen event where images of the boy's face will rapidly flash between each other.