Yume Nikki Fangames Wiki


Roller Blades[]

Enter in green or salad color like door in Gear World, from the door go all way up to the 4 big gears and interact with roller equipment in the center to get effect.


Enter in Purple Door in Gem World, from the door go right to the big red crystal and then from it go up to the purple object and interact with it to get effect.

Traffic Sign[]

Enter in orange door in Sign World, from the door go all way down until reach long white lines on the road, make a few steps down to the middle of lines and then from those lines go all way right to the black silhouette with a yellow road sign, interact with it to get effect.


To get this effect easier you better to unlock Mushroom World. Enter in glowing or blinking door in Mushroom World. From start go South-West to the green mushrooms and among them find a building that looks like a entrance to subway. In facility navigate your way going west and find the entrance in the room, inside the room interact with a pistol in pool of blood to get effect.


Enter in glowing or blinking door in Mushroom World. From start go left or right and find blue mushrooms, then go north and among blue mushroom find the hut with a blue roof, enter inside and interact with mushroom NPC to get effect.


To get this effect easier you better to unlock Bog World. Enter in green door to go in Bog World. From the start go navigate your way north-east, find subway like entrance and enter in it to go in Highway, from the start go south by the first crossroad until James reach the wall, from there navigate your going south-east, find the forest like place, interact with the deer there to get effect.

Diving Suit[]

Enter in orange door to go in Sign World. From the start go north to the orange sign, from there turn left and go all way until James reach a blue entrance, enter in it to go in Beach Town, go all way right leave through another entrance or exit. In Gray Beach go north, find the glass bottle with a purple object inside it and interact with this bottle to go in Boat World. From the start go right and took the first path, then turn left and enter inside the deep sea leaving the pier, from that pier go north until James reach another pier, use it to return in Boat World, after that go right, turn down and interact with diving helmet at the end of pier to get effect.

Unlockable Worlds[]

Mushroom World[]

Enter in red door in Scribble World, from the start go all way up until James reach three scribbles from right, turn right and go all way to the scribbles with blood and interact with, in red stain path avoiding chasers (or using crystal) find red square object and interact with it. In Crossroads avoiding chasers navigate your way (approximately north-east) and find a brown triangle, interact with it to go in Crossroads Hacks, leave the building and outside find the shack with mushroom inside and interact with yellow mushroom, go noth-east or north-west and find the glowing door, open it to unlock the world.

Bog World[]

Enter in red door in Scribble World, from the start go all way up until James reach three scribbles from right, turn right and go all way to the scribbles with blood and interact with, in red stain path avoiding chasers (or using crystal) find red square object and interact with it. In Crossroads avoiding chasers navigate your way (approximately north-west or south-west) and find green ball NPC and interact with it to go in Bog World, navigate your way north-west, find the green door and open it to unlock Bog World.


Tape 1 + Stranger in the dark event[]

You need Diving Suit effect to get this tape. Follow the Diving Suit guide to Gray Beach, go all way right to the white water, equip Diving Sut to enter inside this water, go right to dead end and from there go all way north until James reach a separated coast with the path leading right, go by this path, go right and enter inside the lighthouse, climb on the top of lighthouse and interact with the tape on the top to get it. Go back down all way and then just keep going left.

Tape 2 + Giant Eel event[]

You need Mushroom effect to get this tape. Follow the Diving Suit guide to Boat World then Deep Sea, from start of Deep Sea navigate your way north-east, find the hole, equip Mushroom effect and enter inside this hole to get in Deeper Sea, go all way right and there will be second tape, get it.

Tape 3[]

Drop all effects and follow the Pistol Guide to the Bloody Room aka Room with the pistol, from entrance of that room navigate your way north-east and find one of those gray NPC creatures which blocking the door, interact with it to make them disappear from James's way, enter inside Tape Room and take the tape from hospital bed.


Ending 1[]

Collect all effects, go back in the Dream Room, use the computer to drop all effects, wake up, leave through the door and go all way north to the end.

Ending 2[]

After collecting all tapes, on computer's screen in the real world should appear some green symbol, interact with computer to finish the game.
