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Effects Guide[]
Monster Outfit (怪兽服)[]

Secret Passage
- The Slayer effect is recommended.
Go to the grey door to the Black Passage, go through the passage to the Shop, walk on the secret passage on the left side of the shop and interact with the end to the Blood World. Head south-east to find a land with spider and climb down the well, go through the scarlet staircases to the Hallucination World, go north-west to find a large blue object and warp to a place with a blonde haired boy. Interacting with him sends you to the Snow World, walk north-east and enter the top-right igloo which has a lot of slime NPCs, kill them and make your way to a round machine and interact with it. Leave the igloo and enter the igloo on its bottom left, interact with the mirror and interact with the big creature.
Golden Armour (黄金甲士)[]
Enter the grey door to enter the Black passage. Keep walking left until you reach New Century Town. Enter the second building to the Planet Room and enter all the rooms until you reach a grey area. Follow the path, then interact with the white blood creature at the end.
The fourth building's door will be opened, enter it and enter the grey door the the Apartment, go to the bottom of the area and enter the door to the Static World, go north-west from the door until you see a short static building, enter inside and interact with the black spots/splat on the wall to the Fence Area, go south-west and interact with the giant metal armour.
Spear of Fear (恐惧之矛)[]
Go to the leftmost door to the Black Passage, go through the passage to the Shop, go straight left to the Green Town, enter the second building to the Statue Room and go through the way then interact with the white blood creature at the end.
After that the fourth building's door will be opened, enter the fourth building and enter the gray door the the Apartment, go to the right hallway and enter the last room, interact with the rusty spear.
Poison (毒药)[]
Go to the upper left door to the Grey Staircase, go up to the Looping Staircase, then go down to reach the Grey Hallway. Go through the hallway to the Staircase Maze. From where you're teleported, go up and left, go all the way down the first path you see and take the bottom right passage all the way until the you see a path going up. Take it and follow it to a black hole. Then go left to the Lantern World, go north-east and interact with a transparent object.
Walker (步行者)[]
Go to the upper left door to the Grey Staircase, go up to the Looping Staircase then go down will lead you to the Grey Hallway, go through the hallway to the Staircase Maze, find a boy sitting in front of a machine and interact with him.
Civilian (平民)[]
Go to the upper left door to the Grey Staircase, go up to the Looping Staircase then go down will lead you to the Grey Hallway, go through the hallway to the Staircase Maze. From where you're teleported, go up and left, go all the way down the first path you see and take the bottom right passage all the way until the you see a path going up. Take it and follow it to a black hole. Go left to the Lantern World, head north-east to a stone entrance that leads to the Train. Enter it and sit on the chair, wait until you can walk, keep going right through the train, enter the giant red piranha monster's mouth and interact with the edge sends you to a fake Qiu-Qin Room, leave the room to the Rocket Station, go up and enter the sliding fence to ride a small blue rocket in Space, interact with a little UFO. Once in Space Prison, interact with the NPC at the bottom.
Twins (双子)[]
Go to the rightmost door to the Weird Creature Maze, try avoid the eye chaser which makes your screen dark and enter the big broken glass frame to the place with a blue child, interact with the outline on his right.
Slayer (杀戮者)[]
- The Spacesuit effect is required.
Go to the Subnexus and enter the upper-left hole to the Spaceship, equip the Spacesuit and open the switch then go left, go through the way and enter the spaceship, interact with the monitor and choose the only available planet on the screen, wait until the spaceship arrive then go right straight to the Hell, go right and go pass the sliding door which need to open with a card, go right and enter the entrance that writes "Welcome to the Hell", enter a door that you can find a card on the card machine, collect the card then turn back to the sliding door and use the card on the card machine beside, enter the door and interact with the demon on the centre.
Go to the rightmost door to the Weird Creature Maze, try avoid the eye chaser which makes your screen dark and enter the big broken glass frame to the place with a blue child, step on the bottom-left portal to the Ice Cave, go to the bottom exit to the Slender Man Place, talk to the slender man then interact with the centre to the Fake Qiu-Qin's Room, exit her room then turn back to the Small Wooden House, interact with the upper-left.
Virus (病毒)[]
Go to the Subnexus and enter the middle-left hole to the Purple Land, go to the bottom part and interact with the creature near the land.
Amulet (印符)[]
- The Virus effect is required.
Go to the Subnexus and enter the middle-left hole to the Purple Land, go to the leftmost pathway and enter the weird statue hole to the Purple Staircase, walk a while then turn back to the Elevator that leads you to the Sunken City, equip Virus effect and interact with the edge will show a message that asks you do you want to jump, select Yes and go through the passage to a mountain with the Transportation, enter the transportation and open the switch to travel to another mountain, enter the cave to the Dark Room, interact with the sketch at the end.
Flying Machine (飞行器)[]
- The Slayer effect is required.
Go to the Subnexus and enter the middle-right hole to the Big Hall, go bottom and enter the door to the Floating Stone World, interact the right edges until you reach a lamppost, interact with the lamppost then keep interact with the edges to a place with a white creature, go to the bottom-right floating stone then interact the middle part to the place with a robotic scarecrow, equip Slayer effect to kill it and interact with the rocket shoes behind it.
Egg (奇蛋)[]
Go to the Subnexus and enter the bottom-right hole to the Laboratory, enter the top-left door and avoid the creature to the Room Hall, go up a row and enter the 01 room on the right and open the switch, then enter the 02 room on the left and interact with the elevator to the Laboratory B, go right and interact with the machine to switch the exit direction, go straight right until you reach the orange doors hallway, enter the second door to the Amusement Park, go to the bottom and climb down the ladder, interact with the frequently moving little egg.
Multi Transformation (万变)[]
- The Slayer effect is required.
Go to the Subnexus and enter the bottom-right hole to the Laboratory, enter the top-left door and avoid the creature to the Room Hall, go up a row and enter the 01 room on the right and open the switch, then enter the 02 room on the left and interact with the elevator to the Laboratory A, go straight right and interact with the machine to switch the exit direction, go straight right until you reach The Museum's hallway, enter the last door to a room with a slime-like creature, equip Slayer delusion and kill it.
Note: Thunder ghost delusion causes him to panic, along with the inability to kill him.
Spacesuit (宇航服)[]
Go to the Subnexus and enter the upper-left hole to the Spaceship, interact with the spacesuit on the wall.
Fairy (精灵)[]
- The Spacesuit and Flying Machine effects are required.
Go to the Subnexus and enter the upper-left hole to the Spaceship, equip the Spacesuit and open the switch then go left, go through the way and enter the spaceship, interact with the monitor and choose the only available planet on the screen, wait until the spaceship arrive then go straight left to the Hell, go pass the sliding door then go to the bottom part and enter the hole to the Monster Passage, you need to hide in the boxes beside the passage in order to go pass the creatures (it's recommended to buy many Miracle Potions for this part), go to the end and equip Flying Machine to the Hanging Elevator, enter the elevator to the Purple Land B, find the fairy on the bottom part.
Sadness (悲念)/Condolence (哀悼)[]
Go to the Subnexus and enter the middle-right hole to the Big Hall, after entered the 4 worlds in the Nexus, enter the yellow building to the room with a red NPC asks you if you want to go to the Netherworld, select Yes to the Fake Qiu-Qin's Room and read through the letter on the centre, when the room turns grayscale, interact with the wall with light on the bottom, go through the passage to a Patient Room, interact with the man sitting on the chair, then you can choose to select Sadness or Condolence as the only effect you want to obtain.
Enter the 3D projection and interact with the clothing interface. Select the grey mask to get the Navigation Suit and the green orb to get the Green Firefly.
Thunder Ghost (雷鬼)[]
Enter the upper-left door the Grey Staircase. Go up the stairs and immediately walk down. Go past the hallways until you're teleported to the Staircase Maze. From where you're teleported, go left and up, then go down and left on the second path. Keep going left past the NPC with a sign point right (it's an invisible path) and continue going left and down until you reach an area with lots of white NPCs walking around and blue portal on the ground. Step on it to be teleported to Pink Cube Zone A.
Go right until you reach a large island, then head down by crossing a bridge. From there, go left and down until you reach a brown door, which takes you to Zone B. Go down and follow the path and take the downwards path once you reach a crossing. Keep going until you reach another crossing and take the left path until you spot a small fire surrounded by 4 purple blocks. Interact with it to get the Thunder Ghost Delusion.
Frozen Sparrowhawk (冴鷂)[]
Enter the Subnexus and go through the top-right portal to enter Star River. Go all the way right and up the stairs, avoiding the orb-like chasers. Once you reach crossing, go left and up to interact with the blue flame that gives you the Frozen Sparrowhawk Delusion.
Devil's Blood (魔血)[]
Flying Machine delusion is required.
Go to the Subnexus and enter the middle-right portal to enter The Cellar. Go south and enter the door to go to Cloudy Sunset. Interact with the edges of the cliffs, lampposts and pole to be teleported around the map until you reach a white dog-like NPC. Interact with it and go all the way left. Equip the Flying Machine delusion to get past the gap and keep going left until you reach the Square Teleport Mazes. Navigate through the A and B teleports, until you reach C. Once you reach a spot with two teleports, use the one you're in to reach two purple NPCs. Interact with the right one to get teleported to a fake Qiu-Qin bedroom. Interact with the window and follow the path while having the Flying Machine delusion on to get past the gaps. After you enter the first portal, on the first crossing take the downward path and keep going down and left until you reach the second portal to reach Dream Promenade.
Enter the portal behind you to transport to a different part of the map and go right (note: going left requires the Slayer effect and can crash your game) until you find another portal to the Model Store. When you exit the area, make sure there is a pool of blood behind you, otherwise the it will take you to the Pool Facilities. Enter the store again and go inside the cave. Go up and turn right to an entrance with a note next to it. Keep going right and enter the hole in the chained fence, going all the way right again. After the cutscene, you'll be teleported to Hellish Prison.
Press the button on the third mask on the wall and leave the area, going all the way right while avoiding chasers. Go down and left (you can save here if you have the Spear of Fear delusion) and interact with the NPC next to the broken glass. Leave the house by going right and enter any of the floor doors. Get caught by the chasers, including the chaser in the corridor (it's recommended to save in the next area before you begin the hellish trial). Enter the portal on the bottom of the map and take the left path and go down and right until you reach a portal. Go down the corridor until you reach Red Sight. Exit it on the right to enter The Darknezzz. Go up past the 4 glowing red orbs and go north-west until you reach a large puddle. Go all the way right two times and turn back to reach an area with a black pool and and a large eye at the bottom. Interact with it to get the delusion.
Keys Guide[]
Key 1[]
Go to the rightmost door to the Weird Creature Maze, enter the white gate to the Hell's Cafe, avoid the hell creatures and go through the path, walk down and go to the top exit to the staircases, go straight to the highest level and obtain the key.
Key 2[]
Go to the Subnexus and enter the bottom-right hole to the Laboratory, enter the top-left door and avoid the creature to the Room Hall, go up a row and enter the 03 room on the right and open the switch, then enter the 02 room on the left and interact with the elevator to the Laboratory B, go right and interact with the machine to switch the exit direction, go straight right until you reach the orange doors hallway, obtain the key at the end.
After that you can enter the upper-right room's door in the Laboratory that leads you to a creature in a glass tube.
Key 3[]
Go to the Subnexus and enter the middle-right hole to the Big Hall, go bottom and enter the door to the Floating Stone World, interact the right edges until you reach a lamppost, interact with the lamppost then keep interact with the edges to a place with a white creature, interact with it, interact with the door on the left to the Night Floating Stone World which you need to equip Flying Machine effect to fly across the edge, walk to the end will send you to the Purple Teleport Maze, keep interact with the portals until you arrive to two portals place, choose another portal then keep interact with the portals (don't interact with another portal again) until you arrive the place with a black hole that brings you to Glass Teleport Maze, keep interact with the portals until you arrive the place with a black hole that brings you to Green Teleport Maze, keep interact with the portals until you reach a place with two portals, interact with another portal will lead you to a place with a purple girl that has giant scorpion claws, interact with her claws will send you to the isolated Hell's Cafe, interact with the shining dot to obtain the key.
After that you can enter the bottom door on the 2nd level of Hell's Cafe.
Zabu's Items Guide[]
Green Leaf (青叶)[]
Go to the Shop and use 50 coins to buy it.
Pants (胖子)[]
Go to the Shop and use 50 coins to buy it.
Mask (面具)[]
Go to the Subnexus and enter the middle-left hole to the Purple Land, interact with the white tree on the south part to another side of Purple Land, interact with the mask.
Thief (神偷)[]
Go to the Subnexus and enter the middle-right hole to the Big Hall, after entered the 4 worlds in the Nexus, enter the yellow building to the room with a red NPC, interact with the sword on the upper-right. (You need to obtain it before you get Sadness or Condolence effect.)
Becoming Weird (变得奇怪了)[]
Interact with the weird thing in front of the Shop.
Butcher (屠夫)[]
To obtain this item, you must get the Key 3. Enter the door on the 2nd level of Hell's Cafe, enter the center room, interact with the thing on the floor.
Other Items Guide[]
Miracle Potion (神奇药水)[]
Go to the Shop and buy it.
Slime Meat (史莱姆肉)[]
Go to the Snow World where you get Monster Outfit effect, kill the slime creatures in the igloo.
Wheel Gear (齿轮)[]
Kill the robotic scarecrow in front of the Flying Machine effect in the Floating Stone World.
Energy Box (能源盒)[]
Go to the Purple Land B where you get Fairy effect, kill the moving box.