Yume Nikki Fangames Wiki
Game Walkthrough Gallery Theories

Complete effects guide for Chains of Memory (Demo Version).

Effects Guide[]


So no head?


Appearance: Hanatsuki's head is gone.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the striped door. Walk straight down from the door until you reach a statue holding up scales. Walk left from the statue and you should come to a path that has a leafstalk growing away from it. Walk up the leafstalk and step onto the sign in the middle of the round platform. A short cutscene will play and Hanatsuki will wake up with the effect in her inventory.


A sad, sad man


Appearance: Hanatsuki wears glasses with a blue and green shirt.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the eye door. Walk down a bit from the entrance, then go left and enter the small building with a purple eye above the door. You'll be teleported to an office interior space. From where you're teleported, go down, right then down again. You should now be standing in a space with curved walls, a cluster of eyes in the center and a NPC in a blue suit walking around. Interact with this NPC to get the effect.
