Yume Nikki Fangames Wiki
Game Walkthrough Gallery Soundtrack Changelog References Theories
Note: For the sake of avoiding as many spoilers as possible, this walkthrough will focus on areas that players are most likely to get stuck on. Areas that can be progressed through easily or puzzles that can be figured out with relative ease will be skipped. 

Annabelle/The Dreams of Annabelle Sunray[]

Annabelle's Apartment[]

Just like any other Yume Nikki style game, we start at the protagonist's home. However, the player must do a few steps first before Annabelle can go to sleep. Upon starting the game, Annabelle will be locked in her room. The first step is to find the hallway key under Annabelle's pillow. You will then find the balcony key in the bathroom down the hall. Enter the balcony to find a electric grill. Once you obtain the electric grill, go interact with the stool next to Annabelle's bed. Once that's done, you will be able to go to sleep.

The Forest World[]

You will be visiting this hub world a lot throughout the game. You can technically explore this world, but there is really no reason to since you will be visiting every inch of this world eventually. Just follow the colored leaves to the corresponding holes and you should be fine. Once you find a key, use the Nexus Stone to save on backtracking. 

The Movie Theater World[]

This is where things gets progressively more difficult. The Puzzle itself is self explanatory and fairly simple, so instead, I will give some tips. 

- It's recommended that you use the Music Record effect in this world to make things a lot easier for yourself. Keep in mind that by going double the speed, you must pay attention to what tile you are on so you can turn tight corners.

- When flicking a light switch, don't think you will be able to rest every time you turn the lights back on.

- The Remake and the Original allows you to save at any point during the gameplay. Note that in Annaeblle, you have to exit to the title screen first before loading a save file. If you are having difficulty during a specific part of a puzzle, you can always save during a puzzle and then reload your save whenever you get sent back to the beginning. I will be calling this strategy the "Save Exploit" from this point forward. You shouldn't need the save exploit during this puzzle since it's a short and there is a small window of time to open the menu, but the option is there.

The Video Game World[]

The Witch's Lair

In the first part of this world, you will see a bunch of puzzle pieces wondering around and a closed gate. In case you don't know what to do, you need to use the movie effect to attack all the puzzle pieces in the area in order to open the gate and proceed. The rest should be self explanatory. 

The Slender Forest

The goal of this puzzle should be simple: get all 8 pages in the area and avoid the chasers. It's recommended to use the music record for this area to make things easier for yourself. Also, if you don't want the trees to get in the way, try sticking to the far sides to meet the least amount of resistance. Some pages are away from the edges, but at least this way, you will be close to almost all of them.

The Candy World[]

This is the longest and most hardest world in the game. Especially in The Dreams of Annabelle Sunray. It's highly recommended to use the music record effect and the save exploit throughout this world.

For the first half in the world, just pay attention to the tiles you are on and make good use of the pushable objects to block the more faster chasers. Also note that in Annabelle, the chasers has a weird hit box collision going on where they can get you from their sides. Be careful and keep a cool head in both versions of this world. And I should stress, in The Dreams of Annabelle Sunray, this is a long area with no checkpoints. If you get caught, you have to start the whole thing over again. So don't feel bad for saving and loading in certain parts of this area.

The second half of this world is the grey area. If you have the Music Record Effect on, you should be fine. The chasers are slow in this area. But on the off chance you get caught, keep in mind that the chasers don't reset when you respawn. So there is a chance that you might accidentally herd a bunch of chasers in a narrow passage with no way around them. If this happens, you either have to lure them out, or use the nexus stone to reset the world. If you want to avoid this, it's recommended that you save as soon as you enter the grey area. Doing so will save you a headache if you mess up the first time.

The School World[]

The last area that might give you trouble is the school world. Throughout this world, there are going to be npcs that block your way. There is a way to get past some of them without a item. Pay attention to what they are saying and use the matching effect to get past them.

The Dreams of Melody Moonlight[]

To be filled out...

Annabelle: Projection[]

The Forest World[]

It's back baby. Complete with a new look. This first area of the game will have a locked gate. In order to open the gate, there will be a npc somewhere in the forest that gives you something to carry. Deliver this something to 3 other npcs and the gate should open!

The School World - The hallway[]

We return to where most of Annabelle's inner demons reside. And unlike the first game, we get to fully explore this world and this deeper part of Annabelle. There is gonna be a hallway full of npcs. You can move some of them, while others will remain stationary and talk to you. There is no way to tell the movable npcs apart from the stationary npcs. Just keep in mind that when pushing npcs, it is possible to move them sideways. As in, if you move forward, not all of them will go forward if there is a way to move sideways.

The School World - The Bathroom[]

There's gonna be a part where you have to move a npc through a whole area. There's one part where it seems like you can't move the npc past a corner. The game doesn't telegraph this very well, but you can move the npc past the corner if you pay attention to your position and the direction you are moving. Just keep in mind that you can move things diagonally is you move diagonally. 

It's at this point where the game starts introducing rpg elements. Quick tip going forward, if you run away from battles, the enemies goes away and don't usually respawn. At some points in the game, you will not have the option to run, so it's a good idea to try to get as much experience as you can so you don't get stuck.    

And that should be it! If there are any other parts in the series that you got stuck on, please let me know in the comments!  
