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Complete effects guide for Abashment (Version 0.0.41).

Effects Guide[]

Sports Suit[]


Appearance: Jonathan wears a sports suit.

Passive Effect: Jonathan's movement speed increases.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Dark Village.

Practical Uses: Allows you to travel through the dream world faster.

Enter the first door. Go north from the door and interact with the shirt on the ground.

Elegant Suit[]


Appearance: Jonathan wears a suit.

Passive Effect: None

Action: (Z) Jonathan is warped back to the Nexus.

Location: Found in the Cave Room.

Practical Uses: Allows you to quickly return to the Nexus.

(Kid effect is needed.)

Enter the second door. Go south-east and enter the building diagonal to a similar building. You should arrive in a yellow-green room. Turn around and go left to leave the building. You should arrive at a grassy area. Go left, equip the Kid effect and go up into the cave. In the small room, interact with the tie on the ground.



Appearance: Jonathan becomes a kid.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Brick Halls.

Practical Uses: Allows Jonathan to fit through small spaces.

Enter the first door. Go north-east and enter the house. Go through the doorway. In the brick hall area, make your way to the top-right corner of the map. Find a room with a pink object on the ground and interact with it.
